Monday, June 30, 2014

The lost art of Politeness!

Good afternoon from BeaverCleaverville!
So after running into quite a few shocked people on the other end of conversations either in person or on the tellie I figured I would address something that apparently is a lost art: Politeness (or at least my perception of what it use to be). My mother was raised partially down south but always in a southern minded household, so Sir and Ma'am was a way of life. Please and Thank you was never left behind or you were quickly forgotten when anything was coming your way. I distinctly remember my mother going to hand me a candy, toy, book, etc. and hanging on to it with her grip of death. I would stare at her as if she was a crazy woman until it finally clicked "thank you" I would mumble and finally she would release the pit bull lock on my item of desire and off I would scurry.
I tried to get items from my aunt and the same pit bull lock! I remember thinking "Are you kidding me?! this again!?" eventually pleases and thank yous became a way of life. Another one of my friends mothers taught me quickly the difference between "may I" and "can I". I remember saying "Can I please have a drink of..." and she would say "I don't know... Can you?" I would roll my eyes and say "FINE may I?" she would then say "of course dear help yourself"
What I thought to be some of the most obnoxious lessons of my life come back now to help me later in life. You know those phone calls to the doctors offices, health insurance,  or whoever else YOU hate calling? Come on, I know you are thinking of them all right now! The ones you hurry to get through so you can just get on with your day. My mother always said "You get more flies with honey than vinegar!" and I use to laugh and laugh because "Nobody got time for that!" am I right? But one day it honestly clicked for me. I picked up my phone calling my Doctors office *ring ring* "how can I help you" "Oh yes Ma'am I'm a patient of so and so and I'm hoping you could possibly help me with a little question if it wouldn't be to much trouble please".......
There is a long pause on the other end of the line "did you just call me ma'am?" I hear on the other end of the line. I chuckle "yes I did... my mother was raised in the south" I respond "well aren't you the can I help you!" I can hear her audibly smiling on the other end. Let me tell you a little Sir/ma'am please/thank you goes a long way in this day and age of hurry up I got places to be Jerk!!
It may seem old fashion but I miss the good old days when a little respect went a long way. Yes Sir or Ma'am give me the good old days Thank You Very Much!
Hope you have a Wonderful Day and Thank you for reading!
Forever Stuck in the 50s
The Modern Lucy Ricardo

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