Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fascinating Womanhood

In a past post I quickly mentioned the book "Fascinating Womanhood". It is a book that I have owned and read for the past 8 years and it has drastically changed my way of life and the way I think about myself and my duties.
I will tell you that if you do a google search on it, it is one of the most controversial books about women I've found. Boiled down the book states that we as woman gain our power and true love from man by giving him the control and power and showing him his true leadership potential as a man.
While I never go into details about the book because it ruins the mystery of what I do for the MIC (as he does read my blog) I will say that as I devoured and committed it's pages to memory, put it's ideas into practice, and even followed through with the end of chapter assignments I found mine and my MIC's relationship not only blossomed but became stronger, deeper, and more loving than ever before!
While a lot of people would find the ideas contained in its pages foreign in this day and age I found them to be empowering and refreshing! I began holding my head high, carrying out my housework faster and easier knowing that I was doing my part for the family. I began seeing my "duties" not as duties at all but my pleasure to do for my family and MIC because of all he does for me. He works hard to give me such a wonderful life, so I in turn work hard to give him a calm and loving home when he returns. It's a perfect balanced relationship!
I would never say that this book would work for everyone but quite simply it has worked for me and him and I couldn't be happier.
Forever stuck in the 50s
The Modern Lucy Ricardo 

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