Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Housework "recipes"

It was a rather hectic morning here in BeaverCleaverville...the MIC and I slept through our alarm clock...whoopsies! Breakfast was peanut butter toast and coffee from my "demon" percolator that still won't brew coffee if I am watching.
While doing house work I realized I've never explained my recipe for laundry soap or how I clean my dishes!!! Well yesterday I FINALLY got my clothing line and pins for outside so I figure I'll let you in on my secret:
My laundry detergent is hand made and pretty gosh darn cheap! Here is the recipe:
1 bar Zotes white laundry soap grated fine
2 cups Borax
2 cups Washing Soda
1 cup Oxyclean
Blend together in an air tight container. You can use this in any washing machine including an HE!! Put 2 tablespoons for a regular load and 3 tablespoons for a heavy load. I always wash on cold and it works like a charm.
If you find that while grating the soap it starts to mush, place the Zotes in the fridge for awhile beforehand. Zotes can be found in the laundry aisle and is only 97 cents a bar!!!!
Now I know what you are thinking back to...."Ms Ricardo if it rains how on EARTH do you line dry your clothes?" Well I'll tell you. My grandmother use to have a small line she would "hide" in her shower and stretch across for her "drip dry only" clothes and simply move wash day for the others to a sunny day!
Now to my dishes. Once again you'll find my good old Zotes at hand, but this time Zotes pink. Turn the water on HOT and place dishes in basin. Hold Zotes bar under HOT water and allow to suds up for a few minutes and then place bar at back of sink. If the bar doesn't suds up you may have hard water, to fix this toss a handful of washing soda into the basin beforehand! Again this bar is...massive and will last over a month!!! For 97 cents you really can't beat it plus it's not overly harsh on your skin!!!!
Hope you love these old fashion home making "recipes"
Forever stuck in the 50s
The Modern Lucy Ricardo

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