Friday, June 27, 2014

Health update and Lyme awareness

Good morning from BeaverCleaverville!
I would like to take a moment out of our regularly scheduled vintage programming to discuss something very important! It's an odd moment, when you are sitting inside a doctors office crying out of joy because she has just told you you have a disease. It's definitely not the standard reaction to be sure, but when you have spent the past year noticing your health rapidly declining with no answers and thinking you are losing your mind, relief comes with answers. After spending years feeling like a prisoner trapped inside my very own body someone offering you the keys out is a God send and it hits you like a ton of bricks.
After my daughter was born I could never stay well for longer than a few weeks, I constantly had low grade fevers, joint aches, infections, and I was in and out of the hospital with bizarre issues! I had fully expected another dead end appointment, another doctor who wouldn't listen, another brush off, another deaf ear, and another slamming door. I went in there ready to go twelve rounds with another doctor only tonbe greeted with "I believe you", and honestly I broke down. After dozens of tests, labs, and dead end doctors appointments I FINALLY have a diagnosis:
I have chronic Lyme disease!
Chronic Lyme disease is extremely difficult to diagnosis. It is a great mimic of many other diseases such as MS, meningitis, malaria, ect and often gets diagnosised as one of those.
Many people think of ticks as the large version on the left....but many people don't know about the deer tick on the right! It is the size of a poppy seed when fully engorged with blood from its host and the largest carrier of Lyme disease. So if you are outside for long check yourself, check your hair, check places carefully!! These little buggers hide easily!!!
The most complicated part is those with Lyme disease most often are infected with coinfections from the tick. (Other diseases coinfecting the body with the Lyme disease ie Babesia, bartenella) (one of the best web sites out there)
So educate, be aware, check yourself, check your kids, get tested!!!
Forever stuck in the 50s
The Modern Lucy Ricardo

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