Saturday, June 28, 2014

Life on pause

Good morning from BeaverCleaverville!
I discussed the other day how I have begun treatment for Lyme disease. A lot of people really feel that Lyme disease can easily be treated with "take this pill for a week" and you are fine, but nothing could be further from the truth. Depending on how long you have had Chronic Lyme disease determines how long you will have to be on meds and how severely you will react to the start of treatment.
It has been determined that I have most likely had mine Lyme since I was a kid so starting my treatment has been a painful experience or what is referred to as "herxing" (getting worse before you get better) when you start taking the meds you release all of the dying Lyme disease and toxins rapidly into your body and all of you symptoms come out raging at once. Sometimes it also starts to show what other coinfections you are,dealing with. I am currently dealing with bouts of extreme pain in my joints, headaches, tremors, muscle spasms, weakness, dizziness, inability to walk or speak at's very confusing, I thank God every moment for the support of my amazing family and wonderful MIC, and new friends who are Lyme experts during this process or else I think I feel I would be losing my mind.
My blog will try to follow everything as I can but sometimes finding the right words is very difficult right now. Your good thoughts, your prayers, and good vibes are all greatly appreciated. I'm sending all my love to you all.
Forever stuck on the 50s
The Modern Lucy Ricardo

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