Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Vintage on a dime

Well it's been a productive day here in BeaverCleaverville! I did some major spring cleaning, finally got the rug in our bedroom free of dog hair (no small task), organized the MICs clothes (also no small task) reorganized the bedroom, reorganized my clothes, FINALLY got the line and clothes pins for my outdoors drying line, and took out stuff for a new recipe I'm trying (if it works out I'll give ya'll the recipe tomorrow)
Now I know I promised to discuss vintage on a dime an as the mayor of this here vintage town I always keep my promises! So vintage hunting breaks down into a few categories:
1) tag sales
2) picking
3) flea markets
4) estate sales
5) thrifting
6) and praying your family members held onto their clothes!!

TAG SALES can be a gold mine if you find the right ones. These are generally people that are looking to get rid of their things ASAP and to make a quick buck. I use the phrase "they don't know what they have" with the MIC on the side and the means I'm about to bargain with the person. I've picked up some great pieces for a steal this way.
PICKING is a more unusual sport and not something that happens often. The MICs and I's last haul was based on a pick. You go for one item and the seller turns out having a gold mine they are willing to part with for a steal. Awesome way to make connections for later as well.
FLEA MARKETS are a coin toss. Sometimes you hit a gold mine like in did last week or you have sellers who understand their product and you are going to pay top dollar. BE FOREWARNED tag sales are the home base for fakes, copies, and knock offs!!!! Know your stuff before you buy, take along someone who knows!!
ESTATE SALES...honestly we tend to avoid them. These people know what they have. They tend to have professionals come in to price the items and you are GOING to pay top dollar for each piece.
THRIFTING is your A number one place to get pieces. 99% of my wardrobe comes from Salvation Army. It services a dual purpose, I'm paying rock bottom prices for authentic vintage plus I'm helping a good cause. Pro tip: "Sally's" has a half off all clothes and shoes day every Wednesday!! Get there when they open!!! It's the best day to go because they have brought in all the new merchandise for that day. Also make friends and chit chat with the employees, if they get to know you they will help you. I have some that even will hold pieces aside sometimes if they know I'm coming!!
Finally MY FAMILY: they really are they "don't throw it out I'm going to need that some day types" and it has paid off for me. My aunt just dropped off a huge bag of vintage baby clothes for my daughter so now the peanut can blend too.

So I've told you where to buy, but now you are saying "what on earth do I buy?" Let me tell you the staples for the basic wardrobe for a woman and man.
Of course ladies first:
Bullet bra
Thigh highs
Bobby socks
Pencil skirt
Any A line wool print skirts (see any if my photos)
A full circle skirt
This is to taste but
I own shirt dresses and the 40s cut dresses you should look at photos and learn what to look for.
Zip sweaters (these sweaters have a zipper up the neck)
Light knit tops
One pair black pumps
One pair brown
One pair flats
And finally CARDIGANS ARE. MUST!!!!

Now for the Gents:
Back to undershirts gents. It was huge during the time, plus the shirts are thinner.
Loose slacks in navy, khaki, slate, grey, or really any nice color the fit is more the key.
Bowling shirts
Dress shirts
 Luau shirts
Atomic prints
Cowboy shirts
The right cardigan or vest will change ANY DRESS SHIRT AND TIE into the right look for the 50s. The MIC and I tried it out.
Dress shoes were always to end varied. I would do a search on google
Ties were wider an today as well

Hope this post helps you cats and kittens a bit!!
Forever stuck in the 50s
The Modern Lucy Ricardo

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