Monday, July 14, 2014

A history of compacts

Good morning from BeaverCleaverville!
Unfortunately my adorable one year old decided to share her illness with me and I am sick sick sick!! So while she happily watches Handy Manny I'm trying to eat some light breakfast and possibly  do a tiny amount of house work.
I had mentioned that we had a pretty great haul from Brimfield. I wanted to show another piece that I picked up that is more in the vintage vibe!
 This is an all in one compact! On the left you would store cigarettes. Then you had you comb, lipstick and powder on the other side. This particular piece is from Saks Fifth Avenue! It's absolutely stunning and in full working order! During the 50s makeup became a huge passion because there had been such a shortage during the war. Once the war ended women left their "butch" work positions as men and became obsessed with everything feminine. Anything that made them feel more like a woman they wanted to get their hands on. Compacts became more and more glamorous like the one you see above you. The other emphasis was showing how feminine they were to attract their men because we needed more babies after the war. So everything was about showing the attractiveness of the woman! 
Well there is your history lesson for the day!
Forever stuck in the 50s
The modern Lucy Ricardo 

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