Thursday, July 17, 2014


Good afternoon from BeaverCleaverville!
So today for the first time in awhile I got to go out to lunch with my family. It was quite enjoyable and my son was quite excited as well. Well Thursdays for us is "clam box day" so off we went to our favorite seafood restaurant.
Once we arrive Zachary went off to "help" grandpa and I agonized over the menu to find something gluten free (no easy task). Behind me strolled in a group of three burly typical older "biker guys". Rags on their heads, cut off tops, and my son was fascinated with them. I'm never one to judge so while I was watching carefully he chatted with them and I told them a bit about the restaurant and that was that. Them seemed nice enough but a bit on the rough side still.
Well boy did they prove me wrong outside. Outside when we were leaving my son Zachary spotted those motorcycles and went crazy wanting to see them. Those three "tough guys" turned into teddy bears and goo cooing and oozing wanting to be the first to reeve their engine for him, which only got Zachary more excited. Then one kindly offered "do you want to honk the horn?" Well Zachary marched right up and pressed the button and the other two obliged with allowing him to as well.
My son didn't stop talking about it the whole way home!! "Mommy I honked the motorcycle horn! I honked it!"
I know those three gentlemen will probably never read this but I can't thank them enough for making my son's day! You truly were my sons heroes today!
Forever stuck in the 50s
The modern Lucy Ricardo

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